Nia Coaxum Morgan
Hello! I am committed to improving birth experiences and decreasing maternal health disparities by providing education, encouragement, and advocacy throughout the perinatal period. I pride myself on ensuring all of my families are informed, empowered, and prepared for both the expected and unexpected.
Basic Information
Type of Maternal Specialist:
- Doula
- She/Her/Hers
- African American or Black
- English
Year Training Completed: 2021
Years of Experience: 1 -5
State License Received: PA
Practice: Solo
Maternal Specialist Details
Type of Doula:
- Childbirth
- Postpartum
Doula Certifications:
- Birth Arts International
Type of Doula Practice:
- Private
Births Attended: 8
Other certifications or licenses: MPH, CHES
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