Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Doula?

A trained professional who provides moms and their families with support before, during and after birth

Types of Doulas

Bereavement - Doula who provides physical, emotional, and informational support to families experiencing loss or a difficult diagnosis.

Childbirth - Doula who provides emotional and physical support to you during your pregnancy and childbirth.

Fertility - Doula who provides preconception (trying to conceive or understand conception options) support to families as they follow their path to parenthood.

Full Spectrum - Doula who supports the entirety of the reproductive journey and any outcomes from fertility and preconception, to birth, to abortion, to miscarriage, to adoption, to postpartum.

Monitrice - Doula who provides limited clinical services.

Postpartum - Doula support after the delivery of a child.

Sibling - Doula who supports, prepares, and/or cares for older siblings as they transition in becoming siblings; sibling doulas are there while you are in labor, postpartum, or both.

Are Doulas covered by insurance?

How can I become a certified Doula in Pennsylvania?

Masters of Maternity has partnered with community colleges to offer professional doula training.

For more information, click here

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