Mikaela Engarde
My name is Mikaela Engarde and I am a Christian wife, mother and holistic doula. I have been a birth worker for 7.5 years and an apprenticing student midwife for 1.5 years.
After experiencing first-hand the effects of giving birth in a system that is failing moms and babies, I found the value and worth of doula work.
The heart of my support is giving women and families the tools and support they need to experience an empowering pregnancy, birth and postpartum period.
“Birth is about making mothers--strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength.“
Basic Information
Type of Maternal Specialist:
- Doula
- She/Her/Hers
- White (Having origins of the original people of Europe / Middle East / North Africa)
- English
Year Training Completed: 2015
Years of Experience: 5 -10
State License Received: PA
Practice: Solo
Maternal Specialist Details
Type of Doula:
- Bereavement
- Childbirth
- Fertility
- Full Spectrum
- Monitrice
- Postpartum
- Sibling
Doula Certifications:
- International Doula Institute
Doula Specialties:
- Baby-Wearing Educator
- Certified Childbirth Educator
- Midwifery Apprentice/Student
- Midwifery Assistant
Type of Doula Practice:
- Private
Births Attended: 150
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