Bre The Doula, I Am Wombman Birth Doula Services


I am a certified birth doula, breastfeeding coach and placenta encapsulator. I do all of my work out of sincere love, professionalism, and equality. My goal is to create a safe space for all clients. I provide educational opportunities so that my clients are fully prepared for labor and delivery. I believe that every expecting mother deserves to be heard, respected, and protected in the birthing room. My passion allows me to change the birth narrative one birth at a time.

Bre is accepting new clients. Contact for availability.


Allow your body to do what it was created to do. Surrender and trust in your body as it knows how to birth your baby.

Basic Information

Type of Maternal Specialist:

  • Doula


  • She/Her/Hers


  • African American or Black


  • English

Year Training Completed: 2023

Years of Experience: 1 -5

State License Received: PA

Practice: Solo

Maternal Specialist Details

Type of Doula:

  • Childbirth

Doula Certifications:

  • PA Certified Perinatal Doula

Doula Specialties:

  • Certified Placenta Encapsulation Specialist

Type of Doula Practice:


Births Attended: 10

Other certifications or licenses: Placenta Encapsulation


Serving Harrisburg PA and areas within 100 miles

Please log in to contact this maternal specialist.

Not a Mom or Maternal Specialist? Our goal is to meet community needs throughout the perinatal space! We still welcome you to join our community!

Have a different need? Our goal is to meet community needs. Send us a message and we can customize your access.

Bre The Doula, I Am Wombman Birth Doula Services
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