Sheneala Smith


My name is Sheneala Smith. I am a devoted mother of 2 who loves the summer and being outside. Some of my hobbies are cooking, camping, event and scavenger hunt planning for family and friends. I became interested in becoming a doula through my own birth experiences and the shared birth experiences of family and friends. Through these experiences I was able to witnessing the positive effect that a doula has on a birth experience and I to want help create positive, empowered birth experiences.

Sheneala is accepting new clients. Current availability is wide open .


"Be Kind and Give Grace''

Basic Information

Type of Maternal Specialist:

  • Doula


  • She/Her/Hers


  • African American or Black


  • English

Year Training Completed: 2024

Years of Experience: 0 -1

State License Received: PA

Practice: Solo

Maternal Specialist Details

Type of Doula:

  • Childbirth
  • Postpartum

Doula Certifications:

  • Masters of Maternity, Perinatal Doula Practitioner (PDP)

Type of Doula Practice:


Births Attended: 1


Serving Pittsburgh PA and areas within 10 miles

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Sheneala Smith
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