Shailyn M. Hughes
Hello, my name is Shailyn and I am a trained doula in Pittsburgh. I am currently working on my certification but I am still qualified to practice as a doula. I believe that every woman should be able to have a positive and exhilerating experience during birth. With my caring, compassionate and nurturing personality along with the tools and techniques I've learned I believe I can assist you with having a memorable birthing experience.
Positive space gives a positive mind. Believe in yourself and your ability to birth your baby.
Basic Information
- She/Her/Hers
- African American or Black
- English
Year Training Completed: 2021
Years of Experience: 0 -1
Maternal Specialist Details
Type of Doula:
- Childbirth
Doula Certifications:
- DONA International
Type of Doula Practice:
- Private
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