Michelle Chenevert


I am a childbirth educator, Spinning Babies Certified Parent Educator, and birth doula in the Pittsburgh metro area. I am committed to supporting your birth vision, and to working with your family to help you make informed choices about your care. I am bilingual in English and French.


Preparation and support for an empowered birth.

Basic Information


  • She/Her/Hers


  • White (Having origins of the original people of Europe / Middle East / North Africa)


  • English

Year Training Completed: 2016

Years of Experience: 5 -10

Maternal Specialist Details

Type of Doula:

  • Childbirth

Doula Certifications:

  • Birth Arts International

Type of Doula Practice:


Births Attended: 30

Other certifications or licenses: Spinning Babies Certified Parent Educator; Certified Childbirth Educator


Serving Venetia PA and areas within 50 miles

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Michelle Chenevert
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