Michele “Misha” James-Parham
Traditional Community Midwife (circa 1998), Jewish Chaplain, Spiritual/Life Coach, Lifecycle Officiant, Sex Educator, & Perinatal Social Worker. Full spectrum reproductive support, focusing on BIPOC, queer, transgender, & financially-deprived families.
Intersecting identities: queer, transgender nonbinary, disabled, fat, autistic, Romani (Indian diaspora), Mizrahi (Persian-Jewish), & Sephardi (Spanish-Jewish).
Birth is a physiological event, requiring more support than intervention, and all birthing people deserve competent & culturally appropriate support.
Basic Information
Type of Maternal Specialist:
- Doula
- Midwife
- They/Them/Their
- Asian
- Hispanic or Latino
- White (Having origins of the original people of Europe / Middle East / North Africa)
- English
Year Training Completed: 1998
Years of Experience: 10+
State License Received: PA
Practice: Solo
Maternal Specialist Details
Type of Doula:
- Full Spectrum
- Monitrice
Doula Certifications:
- *Doula
Doula Specialties:
- Herbal Educator
Type of Doula Practice:
- Private, Community Based / Co-op
Births Attended: 1013
Type of Midwife:
- Traditional or Lay Midwife (TM)
Type of Birth Sites Serviced:
- Home
Midwife Specialties:
- Breeched Babies
- Contraception
- Prenatal Care
- Vaginal Birth After Cesarean
Mental Health Specialties:
Other certifications or licenses: Midwife, Social Worker, Chaplain
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