Jonika Reid
I am a doula and a child birth educator. My interest in birth work sparked when I kept being reminded of how many disparities that there are in women’s health care. I also often think about my own birthing experience and often wish I would have had that extra layer of support that a doula provides. I would like to be a support to women and families during that vulnerable time in their lives and also be able to educate them if that is needed during the process.
Basic Information
Type of Maternal Specialist:
- Doula
- Just use my name
- African American or Black
- White (Having origins of the original people of Europe / Middle East / North Africa)
- English
Year Training Completed: 2021
Years of Experience: 1 -5
State License Received: PA
Practice: Solo
Maternal Specialist Details
Type of Doula:
- Childbirth
Doula Certifications:
- DONA International
Doula Specialties:
- Certified Childbirth Educator
Type of Doula Practice:
- Private
Births Attended: 2
Other certifications or licenses: Esthetician
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