Cherrell Fulton


Hi everyone!!
I am Cherrell, a mother of 2 and a sister to many. I am passionate about birthwork because there are far too many instances where birthing people are not heard and supported. I believe that with continued support birthing people, their baby's and their families can grow in ways that we've never see before. Let's get this work!!!


All is well! There is a purpose to every place we find ourselves!

Basic Information


  • African American or Black


  • English

Year Training Completed: 2019

Years of Experience: 0 -1

Maternal Specialist Details

Type of Doula:

  • Childbirth

Doula Certifications:

  • DONA International

Type of Doula Practice:

    Private, Agency, Hospital, Community Based / Co-op

Births Attended: 5

Other certifications or licenses: Certified Lactation Counselor


Serving Pittsburgh PA and areas within 20 miles

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Cherrell Fulton
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